
Commonwealth patchett summary
Commonwealth patchett summary

commonwealth patchett summary

One summer, on a trip to Lake Anna, the six children wake in the Pinecone Motel to discover a note from Bert and Beverly: “Have breakfast in the coffee shop. One of my favourite scenes is when the children go on 'holidays' ‘Here was the remarkable thing about the Keating children and the Cousins children: they did not hate one another, nor did they possess one shred of tribal loyalty…The six children had in common one overarching principle that cast their dislike for one another down to the bottom of the minor leagues: they disliked their parents. The children and parents are colourful and complex characters and Anne Patchett is especially good at describing the bonds between the kids, and how these change as they get older. ‘Commonwealth’ is a story about the coming together of two families, living between LA and Virginia. He knew all of this but as the drinks stacked up he told himself there were larger forces at work.’ ‘He knew that making a move on a married woman was a bad idea, especially when you were in the woman's house and her husband was also in the house and the husband was a cop and the party was a celebration of the birth of the cop's second child. He is taken aback by the beautiful Beverly Keating and enjoys a secret kiss with her - which sets off the chain of events detailed by this book over the next five decades. He's only there to escape his home, where there are three small kids and a pregnant wife.

commonwealth patchett summary

An uninvited lawyer called Bert Cousins turns up and is welcomed because he has a large bottle of gin. ‘Commonwealth’ by Ann Patchett starts during a christening party in LA, at the home of Fix and Beverley Keating.

Commonwealth patchett summary